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A teacher seated at a desk with students standing and sitting around, one student is using a wheelchair next to the table

Complex and Chronic Conditions: The Division for Physical, Health and Multiple Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children (CCC-DPHMD), formerly DPHMD, is the official division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) that advocates for quality education for all individuals with physical disabilities, multiple disabilities, and special health care needs served in schools, hospitals, or home settings.

The goals of CCC-DPHMD include:

  1. Promoting the continued development of adequate resources and programs that address the many areas of need associated with serving children and adults with physical and/or multiple disabilities, and special health care needs.
  2. Disseminating relevant and timely information on current issues, instructional strategies, adaptations, and research through the annual CEC convention, professional meetings, training programs and publications.
  3. Providing technical assistance and preservice and inservice education.
  4. Advocating for funds and policies that promote supportive legislation and funding for persons with physical disabilities, multiple disabilities and special health care needs.
  5. Supporting the activities, policies, and procedures of the CEC and the other CEC divisions
3 female educators standing and discussing over a clipboard


CCC membership is the most cost-effective way to boost your professional skills and become a more informed practitioner. Remember: You must be a member of CEC to join CCC. Call CEC at (888) 232-7733 or learn more below.

Member Benefits

Valuable Resources

teacher talking to 2 girls

As a member of CCC-DPHMD, you will stay abreast of recent advances and trends in the field through the division's journal: Research, Advocacy, and Practice for Complex and Chronic Conditions: A Journal for Physical, Health, and Multiple Disabilities. This journal provides information on relevant research, instructional innovation, and current issues in education and related services for individuals with physical, health, and multiple disabilities. Go to the Journal page for more information about the journal. The RAPCCC journal is transitioning to a practitioner-friendly publication. We seek submissions from both in-service and pre-service professionals as well as family and community members. RAPCC accepts submissions from anyone interested in the education and welfare of individuals with complex or chronic conditions such as physical, health, and/or multiple disabilities. The review of these submissions follows an anonymous process where the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, nor do the reviewers know the identity of the authors. 

The CCC-DPHMD Newsletter provides information about current developments in the field highlighting topics of current interest, political action updates, conference and meeting dates, CCC-DPHMD activities, as well as information about CEC activities. Go to the Newsletter page for more information about the Newsletter.

A new addition to our member benefits is a Teacher Resources page (coming soon).  This is a growing repository of teacher tip sheets and other informative materials that can be used by practitioners working with students who have physical, health, and multiple disabilities.  We encourage you to check this page often as new tip sheets are under development and will be added to the site soon!!!  Also stay tuned for webinars that are in the planning stages and will be available to CCC-DPHMD members over the next year!


Other Important Benefits

girl sitting at desk

CCC-DPHMD has four annual awards which honor the memory of late members.  The Pamela K. De Loach Advocacy Award honors an individual, group, or organization that has provided strong advocacy for individuals with physical, health, or multiple disabilities. The Elizabeth Wetzel Memorial fund was established to provide scholarship assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in preparation programs in physical and/or multiple disabilities. CCC-DPHMD also sponsors the Joan Wald Baken Award which goes to a professional in the field who makes a difference in the lives of individuals with physical and/or health disabilities.  The Albert R. Goldsmith Award provides money for a classroom teacher to purchase materials for his or her classroom. Application information can be found in the Awards section of this site. 

Last Updated:  18 February, 2021

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