Bylaws Committee
CCC-DPHMD Bylaws Accepted March 27, 2024.
Complex and Chronic Conditions: The Division for Physical, Health and Multiple Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children (herein CCC) Bylaws
CCC-DPHMD is governed in accordance with the CCC-DPHMD Bylaws. The CCC-DPHMD Bylaws were last updated by electronic vote ending December 23, 2020. The revisions were approved by 84.62% of votes for approving, 7.69% disapproving, and 7.69% abstaining. The document is located here.
The Bylaws committee advises the Executive Board regarding issues having to do with the Bylaws and assists the Executive Board with the process of addressing proposed changes to the Bylaws document. If you are interested in serving on the Bylaws committee, contact the committee chair, Mari Beth Coleman.
Bylaws Committee Members:
Cate C. Smith
Current CCC-DPHMD president (ex officio), Robbie Hampton
The duties of the Bylaws Committee shall be:
- To receive and review all proposed amendments to the Bylaws and refer recommendations to the Executive Board;
- To solicit input from the Executive Board regarding changes which may be needed in the Bylaws;
- To communicate with CEC headquarters regarding proposed amendments to the Bylaws;
- To coordinate with officers to hold a vote of the Executive Board for approval of recommended changes to the Bylaws. If approved by the Executive Board, the committee shall coordinate with officers to hold a vote of the CCC membership body for approval of changes; and
- To provide CEC with the most recently-approved Bylaws after amendments are made.
The process for making amendments to the Bylaws, as stated in the document, is:
Section 1. Proposed Amendments
Proposed amendments to the Bylaws should be addressed to the chair of the Bylaws Committee or the president. Upon receiving suggestions for amendments, the chair or president must present the proposed amendments to the Executive Board within one month for discussion and revisions. After a period of discussion and feedback lasting no longer than one month, the chair or president will submit proposed amendments to CEC for feedback. After communicating with CEC, revisions will be submitted to the Executive Board for a vote. Upon approval by 2/3 of the voting members of the Executive Board, amendments will be submitted for a vote of the membership body within one month.
Section 2. Voting
The Bylaws may be amended by mail, voice, or electronic vote and must pass by a two-thirds majority of the members who place votes.